During 2011 I will find/drink/rate one hundred different hard apple ciders. I'll take you along for the ride one paragraph and beverage at a time. Now, in order to keep my ranking consistent I have introduced a few controls: I will drink all of the ciders by themselves (ie; not with different foods which could effect the taste), I will drink the ciders straight from the bottle (with the rare exception of when I might order a cider at a restaurant; but I don't think this will happen too often as the ciders served in restaurants are generally pretty standard and will get ticked off the list pretty quickly), and finally, each cider will be rated on a scale of 0 to 10, where ten is the best possible cider known to man and zero is something that I cannot even imagine consuming; honestly, I hope nothing is below a six.
Now, let's get down to business!

Rekorderlig Premium Apple Cider.
Swedish; 4.5% alcohol content.
$6.99 (AUD); Vintage Cellars (Applecross, WA)
I thought it fitting to commence my century of cider with a relatively exotic pick. Rekorderlig, however, is only singular in country of origin and label style; the taste is certainly pleasing, but nothing exceptional. It is sweeter than the average cider and has a slight aftertaste. My wife who will be a guest taster and rater from time to time says, "it tastes like apple juice." Take that for what it's worth, but in my books Rekorderlig is a good pick, but not the best, at least I hope not.
Rating 7.8
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