Reef Donnybrook Apple Cider: Mull, Dry, and Scrumpy
Australian; 4.5%, 5.8%, and 8.1% Alcohol Content Respectively.
$3.17 (AUD Each); The Real River Company (Donnybrook, WA)
Mull- This is a very interesting tasting cider that I think might be best served hot on a cold winters day. As one might expect from the name, there are strong cinnamon flavors mixed in with the bold fresh apple burst in each sip. In fact, in the words of my wife, it tastes like you are biting into a slice of apple pie. A good novelty cider and like I said, would be great in a specific context, but definitely not an all purpose cider. Rating 7.5
Dry- Sadly, the dry cider in this series was the one for which I held the highest hopes, but it failed me. This 'dry' should be labeled a 'dry scrumpy' or maybe just 'drumpy,' that captures the mood of the drink; slightly better than the scrumpy, but only slightly. Rating 6.3
Scrumpy- What more can I say about scrumpy ciders? Apple-Vinegar flavor (heavy on the vinegar), no carbonation, and high in alcohol; this one even has sediment at the bottom which is reassuring from a natural production standpoint, but I suppose that I just enjoy a more modern cider. Rating 6.1
wow! plugging along with the ciders. I have one from south africa in my fridge waiting for you if you are keen. it won't last to much lnoger though. it's called savana or something like that.