Monday, September 19, 2011

Cider 79.

Dirty Granny

Australian; 5.5% Alcohol Content.

$3.50 (AUD); The Subi Liquor Store (Subiaco, WA)

Dirty Granny (DG) is a great cider! It has the perfect amount of apple tartiness without bitterness or hints of vinegar (with that said, there is a slight bitter aftertaste, but hardly worth complaining about). It has a wonderfully refreshing amount of carbonation and is an excellent cider overall. HUGE bonus points for the branding and Made-In-Perth cred.

Rating 9.4

1 comment:

  1. dude,

    drove all the way to subi to get some of this on your recomendation and when i got there it was sold out! =(
